Seascapes 4
Seascapes 4
‘Making Waves’
South Shields Museum & Art Gallery
Hancock Museum

This exhibition was held at both the Hancock Museum and South Shields Museum and Art Gallery . At this point in time Jason was surfing and felt that his work could have an impact to help draw attention to the poor state of our coastal waters. He had seen the pollution first hand. With the co-operation of the Marine Conservation Society and Surfers Against Sewage, information about the pollution of our coastal waters was exhibited alongside the artwork.
His intention was that the viewer’s admiration for the sea’s beauty would make the accompanying literature have greater impact and would perhaps make some visitors keen to help make a difference by adding their support to the two organizations.
The Hancock Museum is a natural history centre. They were happy to have an educative element at the core of the exhibition and also felt that sea pollution was a subject they wanted to help draw the public’s attention to.
The curator of South Sheilds museum and art gallery was impressed with the exhibition at the Hancock and requested that the work be given a second showing in the region within a second museum venue.

Details – Seascape Show 2009
Some quick snaps of the show before the exhibition opened.
The largest watercolour images are 8 feet by 4 feet.Large watercolours first shown in 2005.
Requested by arts centre for second exhibition with a number of new watercolours on smaller scale.
Newcastle Arts Centre details located on Westgate road, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Gallery open 9.00am to 5pm Monday to Saturday.